Add some flavour to your rented home’s kitchen space with these simple but effective methods!
Your landlord’s interior scheme might seem a whole lot different from your ideal kitchen space, so we’ve wrapped up some ways to revamp what’s already there. Give these awesome tips a try!
Ditch your doors
If you’re a fan of open shelving but your rented home is packed with wall cabinets, transform it by simply getting rid of the doors and storing them away, just be sure to reattach them at the end of your lease period.
Modernize kitchen handles
Altering handles can create a cohesive feel on your on hand cabinets. You can buy cheap similar designs from eBay as well. Use handles that has similar fixings as the original to avoid the task of drilling additional holes.
Upgrade your white units
White units are quite dull if nothing stands out from the other ones. You always have the option of stylish a unit with a blackboard finish; it’s both practical and chic all the same time. If you’re using your landlord’s units, try removable wallpaper or chalkboard sticker sheets instead.
Bespoke cabinet
You could always ask your landlord if you can make some improvements on your rented home, particularly in the kitchen. If your space isn’t too huge, a simple task of re-painting cabinets can present a striking transformation.
Stick on a little style
When painting cupboard doors isn’t doable, it doesn’t mean you can’t achieve coloured cabinets. You may put Fablon (a sticky back plastic) to accomplish the look. You can simply stick the sheets over existing doors, and peel them off whenever necessary.
Put it on top
Try to make use of the empty space above your cupboards. If it’s okay to install them, simple shelves can maximize unused wall space. It can be pretty handy in storing lesser-used kitchen items.
Fabric disguise
To hide units and unsightly appliances, a simple curtain can work as a disguise for everything you want to conceal out of sight, as well as a decorative piece in the kitchen. Recycle an old fabric to save buying new ones.
Freshen up your floor
You’d be surprised to know that kitchen floor tiles could be given a quick repair. A basic vinyl such can often be bought cheaply from your local flooring stores and plainly lay it on top of the existing flooring, then secure at the edge with some carpet tape.
Transforming your rented space is not as difficult as you think. Experiment on these tips and put some of your personal touches as well!